Walnut Park West

Walnut Park West Neighborhood

Walnut Park West Neighborhood

So I've been at the this neighborhood profile project for over a year.  Walnut Park East was one of my first North City posts.  I walked away from Walnut Park East feeling pretty hopeless for this part of the city.  But, an individual working for positive change in the Walnut Park area contacted me and invited me to discuss some of these positive activities that are occurring in the area and I decided to do a part 2 post for Walnut Park East after meeting with her and understanding some details around the charity/social work in the community.

So I'm not changing my approach in Walnut Park West today; but I will try to get more pictures to document what I see.  When I did the WPE post, I was hesitant to show the many, many negatives that I saw.  WPW is pretty similar to WPE.  Demographically and racially speaking, it's got absolutely no diversity.  Take a look at the census numbers above, they don't lie; and, I don't expect to see any increase in diversity in the 2010 numbers based on my observations.

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